- 1 Lemon-organic
- 1cucumber-organic
Wash in cold water. Leave skin on both the cucumber and the lemon.
Run them through the juicer. Stir and drink immediately.
Makes: 12oz of juice
Tips: This juicing cleanse burns belly fat, contributes to weight loss and is best consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before coffee, tea or anything that can further dehydrate you. Wait 15-20 before consuming anything else, allowing the juice to be absorbed into your small intestines. This juice is very alkaline and will lower your bodies acidity levels. High acidity levels leads to inflammation, arthritis, autoimmune disorders and other health issues.
Using a cold pressed, masticating juicer gives the best results retaining more nutrients and juice volume. High speed juicers heat the juice slightly and you lose more juice volume and vitamins.